An Act of Particular Providence – Newcomen’s Speedy Vacuum

Greener, James, An Act of Particular Providence – Newcomen’s Speedy Vacuum, Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference, Volume 1, IEEC & ISSES, 2021 [ISBN: 9781872986241], pp.5-35

Comparison of the only known account of the invention of cold water injection to activate an atmospheric engine with contemporary texts on experimental methodology reveals that Newcomen and Calley’s inventive process corresponds with the design of experiments prescribed by Robert Hooke for the Royal Society. Consequently, when an unexpected outcome occurred, they were able to make full application of the findings. Differences between the steam piston experiments of Newcomen and Denis Papin are explored, suggesting that the inventors may have been working in parallel.

For access see Volume 1 of the Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference