From Papin to Pickard: ‘That long wish’d for Desideratum, the applying the powers of the fire engine to rotular movements’
Townley, John, From Papin to Pickard: ‘That long wish’d for Desideratum, the applying the powers of the fire engine to rotular movements’, Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference, Volume 2, IEEC & ISSES, 2023 [ISBN: 9781872986258/ISSN: ISSES, Stationary Power v.25 0960-0663], pp.29-48 doi:10.54267/ieec2-2-03
This paper charts the development of the direct application of steam power, from an atmospheric engine to the production of rotary motion. Involving a motley cast of characters the story stretches from Dennis Papin’s proposed steam tug to the successful application of the crank and flywheel. In telling this story it aims to help dispel the myth of James Watt as the originator of rotary power from the steam engine.
For access see Volume 2 of the Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference