The Garlogie beam engine – fact and fiction
Studd, Leofric, The Garlogie beam engine – fact and fiction, Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference, Volume 2, IEEC & ISSES, 2023 [ISBN: 9781872986258/ISSN: ISSES, Stationary Power v.25 0960-0663], pp.137-154 doi:10.54267/ieec2-2-09
This paper describes the background to Garlogie Mill engine and summarises its history to the present day. A detailed technical description of the engine is also provided. Early research on the manufacture of the engine is then summarised and discounted as not fitting the facts currently available. Evidence indicating the likely installation date of the engine is then examined, including the date the Garlogie Mill buildings, the ownership of the Garlogie business and style and possible date of manufacture of the individual engine components. The conclusion reached is that the engine was most likely installed in its current location sometime between 1833 and 1837. However, the beam of the Garlogie engine was probably manufactured by the Birmingham firm of Boulton and Watt in the early 1800s. The rest of the engine components, supplied either by Boulton and Watt or another company, likely date either from when the engine was installed or later as part of subsequent renewal and updating activity. It is probable that the beam came from the 20hp Boulton and Watt engine supplied to Alexander Hadden in Aberdeen in 1805.
For access see Volume 2 of the Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference