Early illustrations of Newcomen engines
Perrett, David, Early illustrations of Newcomen engines, Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference, Volume 2, IEEC & ISSES, 2023 [ISBN: 9781872986258/ISSN: ISSES, Stationary Power v.25 0960-0663], pp.249-255 doi:10.54267/ieec2-2-15
This paper presents examples of early artistic illustrations of Newcomen engines, together with a discussion of the contexts for the creation of such contemporary imagery, including examples of pen sketches, paintings, engravings and other print making methods. The article focuses on depictions of installations related to industrial activities other than coal mining, and invites researchers to submit further sources to expand the available evidence base on atmospheric engines beyond purely technical engineering drawings.
For access see Volume 2 of the Transactions of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference