• Image of cast iron beam of the static Cornish bean engine at Prestongrange industrial museum.

    IEEC3 Conference Attendees – Joining instructions

    As we approach the the Conference at Summerlee later this month, we’re delighted to share Joining instructions with Delegates who have confirmed their bookings. Additional attendees are welcome, and we would encourage all to visit the updated Conference programme page and to share any comments or queries ready for when we all arrive in Scotland. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone! IEEC3 Conference Joining instructions

  • First look – IEEC3 Conference Programme 2024

    Draft Programme Following the excellent response to the call for papers, the IEEC3 organisers are delighted to provide the first draft programme, prepared in collaboration with the host venue, Summerlee Industrial Museum in Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, Scotland. Running from Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th March 2024, the 3 day conference has a full programme of papers and activities. Additional industrial site excursions are being arranged at separate cost on Thursday 21st and Monday 25th March

  • Early Steam Engines in Central European Mining Conference 7-8th October 2022, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia

    IEEC are delighted to share full details an Early Engines conference being organised by our friends in Slovakia in October 2022, focused on early engines in Central Europe. The Slovak National Archives, Slovak Mining Archives division, and the Slovak Mining Museum are inviting participants to Banská Štiavnica, in Slovakia for this international conference (English language presentations). With participants from Slovakia, Belgium, Hungary, Austria and the United Kingdom having committed to delivering papers it should prove a fascinating event. Organizing Committee A warm welcome is extended by the committee: For the Slovak Mining Archives (Slovenský banský archív):– Mgr. Peter Konecný, PhD. Head of Slovak Mining Archives (Slovak National Archives) expert guarantor…