• Newcastle Courant advert for brass worker Michael Williamson 1724

    Research Snippets – On Brass cylinders

    Dr John Kanefsky writes: In my paper to IEEC2 on the Norris Files, I referred briefly to the paucity of evidence about brass cylinders for Newcomen engines [Kanefsky (2021), Coalbrookdale, Cornwall and Cylinders, pp.6-7 – see also early access version]. However, an advertisement in the Newcastle Courant for 3rd April 1725 sheds a little light.  In it, a Mr William Packer of Bristol who has relocated to Newcastle offers to cast, among a wide variety of other items, “all Sorts of Brass-work for Fire-Engines for the Coal Works”. Little is known about Packer.  From a brief search on the internet it appears he as active as a bell-founder and supplier…

  • Announcing the Early Engine Database

    As we arrive at the date which would have marked the start of the 2nd International Early Engines Conference (now postponed to May 2021), we are delighted to be able to share news of a fantastic new research resource, the Early Engine Database – a fully searchable online database of 18th Century engines in the United Kingdom. Early Engine Database – https://coalpitheath.org.uk/engines